What's Up With This Crazy Site & Guy Who Runs
Need to contact me (or just want to
say hi or that you enjoy something on the site)? EMAIL ME!
As a preface - some quick hits about me that you might like to
know (before reading the whole story below lol): - I'm
NOT a full-time producer/vendor/photographer, nor would I ever want to become one. Everything I do in the fantasy &
fetish genre, from my shoot work, to this site and my store, is ALL done as a mere hobby by me. A very enjoyable
hobby, but a hobby nonetheless. I have a fantastic career going (at my young age) that allows me the privilege of continuing
to pursue this favorite hobby of mine - filming my friends in incredibly sexy and provocative nylon-oriented fantasy &
fetish productions. At the end of the day, career & family come first.
- As you can probably tell, my style is a more down-and-dirty type. At first I really wanted
to try something more artistic, but then realized that it was more fun just letting the girls be themselves and having a fun
time shooting some crazy fun action - which is where I'm at today. I admire those producers that create their own style,
and sometimes wish I had the time and/or budget to make the same choice, but as it stands, I'm very happy with my action-oriented
work. Light on art, heavy on hotness!
- I'm NOT
a producer/photographer that is trying to make a business out of what I do. I don't hire young up-and-coming or
second-rate models; instead I work with a solid group of ladies that I've grown into being very good friends with.
I fly in my ladies for private shoots, and don't wait for them to be in my area. I cherish the time I'm able to spend
with them, as well as the movie productions we create together. REPEAT: I don't work with random models, so if you're
an aspiring model trying to break into the business, I wish you ALL the luck in the world (I truly do), but please don't contact
me looking for work. I already work with the women of my dreams. :)
- Everything I do is genuine, because unlike many vendors, I shoot for ME. What I share
with you are my own private nylon fantasy & fetish movies. I work with these ladies way too much to NOT share some
of my content...it just wouldn't be right to remain a private collector when I have so much wonderful things to share.
Some things remain private, but many times, I really enjoy sharing the work with fellow fans, so you can rest assured that
everything you see on my site is done from a fan's perspective, with ladies that are friends and that truly enjoy their work
and LOVE what they do.
- Finally...a point to all the
fans. If you like the ladies as much as I do, please approach them directly, and don't go through photographers or vendors.
They're more than willing to work with you, don't be shy, just ask them. They're all sweeties.
- My last point: while I LOVE to hear from the fans (and trust me, I do hear
from you guys!), please don't send me specific requests to work with certain models, or what I should be doing, or that I
should film my ladies in their barefeet etc. I'm the nicest guy you'll find, so I hate to sound like a jerk,
but please take a look at my site banner: it says "Sharing my Nylon Fantasies with you." It doesn't say "I'm
here to take your requests and fulfill your fantasies." Please keep that in mind. On the subject of barefeet...not
my cup of tea. I know a lot of guys like seeing the ladies that way, but I'll never be one of them. Nylons are
my passion.
SOME BACKGROUND INFO: A little bit about me. Well, first and foremost - I'm a certified nylon
fantasy fanatic! LOL! But honestly, I'm just a regular guy who discovered a hobby that I have a passion for -
filming my own nylon-oriented fetish & fantasy movies with women that inspire and intrigue me. Filming these ladies
is my favorite hobby, and something I cherish doing, and can't fathom ever stopping. It's just too incredible.
I sort of fell into it by chance. You see, years ago I was just the ordinary fan of this material (and
these ladies). I would see what the ladies were doing with producers or vendors, and was content to live vicariously
through them. But then around 2005-2006 I started
contacting some of my favorite ladies I had been a fan of from afar, having them do custom productions for me. Easy
stuff, but it was exciting to start working with these ladies (even if indirectly). After a couple years of doing custom
productions, I realized that it would be easier (and more exciting) to take that next logical step...fly the ladies out here
and film them myself! So in 2007 I took the plunge, and on the advice of my friend Tomiko bought some equipment
and started living my dream hobby. And I haven't looked back since! I've done A LOT of shoots in the past few years
(as well as doing them all the time), and each and every one of them was/is special to me. Some of the most rewarding
times and experiences in my life that I wouldn't give up for anything. And so I continue to this day, doing shoots with the ladies, and having a wonderful time in my life.
For someone as young as me (same age as Kobe!), I've achieved what many people seek for a lifetime. The big
estate. The cars. The high paying career. I've discovered one simple truth: life is too short NOT to
take a chance with something you're passionate about. Take that first step...you just may find true happiness around
the corner, and you didn't even know it. That's what I tell fans all the time that email me...just take a chance with
the women of your dreams. Only positive things will happen - trust me. Regarding my passions and personal interests...well as you can probably tell, I'm ALL about nylons.
There is NOTHING I love more than seeing one of my sexy ladies in sheer pantyhose dominate an equally gorgeous woman in sheer
pantyhose (or the other way around!). Lesbian themes, Forced Orgasms, Tickling, Bondage, Damsel-in-Distress, Super Heroine,
Wrestling/Cat-Fighting, BDSM, Spanking, and of course, Nylon Foot Worship & Fetish...I'm a lover of all things nylon. My goals: Well, pretty simple - to film and create high definition (blu-ray)
nylon movies featuring my favorite ladies. That's what I do, and that's what I'm about (as a hobby). I've created
dozens and dozens of three-hour movies as of this writing, and I have no intention of ever stopping. While
my high def complete movies will always remain private, I do want to share some of what I shoot with you, as I've
done quite a lot of shoots and it would be terrible not to share some of this awesome material. The site (and my clips
store) is a way for me to share some of that with you, the fans. Of course not everything I shoot is available in my
store or on my site, but I enjoy making a lot available so fans of these ladies (just like me) can enjoy them without having
to break the bank. I ALWAYS price my work in my store below average (as low as C4S will allow). ALWAYS.
So take a look around the store, and enjoy the free archive of pictures on my site.
Personal Info (in case you wanted to
know a little about your host): How
old am I? None of your business! But seriously, here's a hint - same age as Kobe. :) Hobbies? Other than filming my gorgeous ladies doing naughty
things you mean? Well, I'm a certified HAVING FUN junkie, as that's what life is all about. So when I'm not busting
my ass working in my career (finance), I'm having fun. What kind of fun? Driving fast cars, fishing (fresh &
salt), movies, time w/ buddies, sports (Football!), history/travel, collecting firearms/shooting range, collecting
early American gangster (1910's-1940's) memorabilia, and of course, video gaming like a mofo (I'm an xbox 360 & PS3 junkie
and play way too much). Yes I'm the most boring guy ever lol! Favorite movies? Anything gangster/mafia, or with a great story. Stupid throw-away action
movies do nothing for me. Godfather 1 & 2, Goodfellas, The Departed, Shawshank Redemption, Schindlers List are just
a couple that I love. I'm a netflix dude, so I watch everything though. Favorite TV Shows? Honestly, I think TV is straight garbage now, and I don't
really enjoy much. Sure, I still Tivo some shows, but TV has not recovered from it's heyday about 5-6 years ago.
1999-2005 was just an incredible time for TV, thanks mostly to HBO. Band of Brothers, The Sopranos, Deadwood, The Wire...the
absolute best things on TV EVER. In fact, The Wire will always remain my favorite show of all time (probably because
I'm partial to Baltimore). But if I had to pick, I like all those fake "reality" shows, mostly for the ridiculous
"drama" they put on. Like LA Ink, Ax Men, Man vs. Wild, Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters, Whale Wars, etc. Total
guilty pleasures. Where do you live?
As you can probably tell, I'm a Northern Virginia boy (did my email addy give away my city lol!?!). A year ago (January
2009) I bought my incredible house (my first)...6000 square feet, movie theater, library, 5 bedrooms, finished basement...just
amazing. I'm so blessed to be able to live in such a cool city, and in such a great house...I'm thankful every day.
Every single day, I wish for this blessing I call a life to NEVER end. The girls just make it so overly amazing. So what do you do with your amazing house? Throw parties
for my friends and family, of course! Football season (Aug-Jan), my house is the place to be. My home theater
is rocking with the games each weekend, and my Super-bowl party (after only 2 seasons) is becoming legendary. Have I
talked it up enough lol!?! Video Games?
Oh hell yeah! I'm a video game addict from way back to the NES/SNES/Genesis days, so you just know I play. I'm
a single player person though, and hate multi-player games, mostly because just about everyone playing is a punk kid.
Besides, who has the fucking time to play multi-player in this busy-ass world anyways!?! But yeah, my Xbox 360 is going
all the time. If it's a hot new game, chances are I'm playing it. Favorite Music? I love all music, save for Country, which I just don't understand and never
will. Favorite artists/bands of all time - Bush, Garbage, Nirvana, Rage Against The Machine, Run DMC, Nas, NWA, Ice
Cube, Norah Jones, Alicia Keys, Amy Lee (just an amazing voice), Staind (possibly my favorite band of all time), Linkin Park,
Rolling Stones, Jay-Z, Rihanna (guilty pleasure lol), Chemical Brothers, Moby, Korn, Tupac, Smashing Pumpkins, Green
Day, No Doubt/Gwen, Jewel, Sinatra (old school baby), Disturbed, Nickelback, Natalie Imbruglia, Coldplay, basically most
90's grunge/rock, way too many others to even remember. Favorite Song? Gimme Shelter by The Rolling Stones. The most amazing opening of any song...ever.
Classic. Theme song of my life, basically. LOL
I can't think of anything else - so there you go!
